Friday, March 23, 2007

Rock, Paper, Scissors: Hadouken, Eatlitz Band

Two videos from across the ocean which utilize minimal technology to maximum effect...

Hadouken "That Boy That Girl"

dir. by Bob Harlow

Mixing the frenetic style of M.I.A. with punk tendencies and a host of other contemporary brit-rock groups, Hadouken still emerge looking and sounding entirely unique in their video for "That Boy That Girl." The paper cut-outs and bright pinks/neon greens bring to mind 80's excess or 90's graffiti art, but the visuals are completely creative and contemporary. The colorful energy of the video is perfect for the witticisms of the track, which both criticize and embrace stereotypical indie-culture. Sounds like a potentially huge underground hit in the States.

LISTEN: Hadouken "That Boy That Girl"

Eatliz Band "Attractive"

dir. by Yuval and Merav Nathan

This Israeli super-group sets their video for "Attractive" in a very non-glamorous cardboard wonderland. But the set design is nevertheless a thing of beauty, telling an extravagant tale of high-sea adventure without anyone ever actually setting foot on a real beach.

The singer is lured out to a dark place by sirens, where she plays some music and defeats a cyclops. Perhaps the storm that follows is her punishment for the Odysseus-like hubris of her words, but soon she wakes up safely back ashore her strange homeland. The sun is up, and all seems well. But what has she to show from her journey?

Depth of Focus Videographies: Radiohead / Bjork / Michael Jackson / Bowie