Thursday, August 16, 2007

Mirrors On the Wall: R. Kelly "Trapped in the Closet: Chapters 13-22"

R. Kelly "Trapped in the Closet: Chapters 13-22"

dir. by R. Kelly and Jim Swaffield

There's a point in Chapter 8 of R. Kelly's magnum opus, as James the police officer is on the verge of discovering Bridgette's bizarre secrets, where the room darkens and bars of light are thrown across the nervous wife's face. In that moment you begin to understand perhaps the meaning behind all these illicit affairs and love triangles. Whether you're a gay priest, a stripping midget, or even a multi-platinum world famous R&B superstar (who just so happens to be amidst a rather aberrant real-life court case himself), we've all got our own skeletons tucked away somewhere.

As we watch with rapt enthusiasm as Kelly unveils the latest installments of his hip hopera (daily on, we'll save the rest of our comments 'til the complete tale is spun. Check back next week for a full run through.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

if only i could get past the terrible lyrics and flow...

too much in too little time.

Depth of Focus Videographies: Radiohead / Bjork / Michael Jackson / Bowie